Project Background

Denver’s Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) has launched the West 38th Avenue Corridor Study to improve mobility and safety, plan for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), and identify ways to 'green' the corridor.

After hearing from the community this year about transportation on West 38th Avenue, the project team is seeking feedback on draft recommendations to improve the corridor between Sheridan Boulevard and Fox Street/Park Avenue West. These recommendations are a mix of near-term and long-term improvements.

If you would like to learn more about the project, please visit the project website.

To view the full public presentation and meeting boards from July 23rd, please click the document below.

Additional Project Information

step 1: understand existing conditions & previous plans(January-March 2024); step 2: analyze gaps & alternatives (March-June 2024); step 3: design near-term recommendations (June-September 2024); step 4: develop final plan and corridor vision (September-D

How Future Options are Developed

A technical analysis, identification of mobility challenges, and community input all feed into the identification of mid-term and long-term options. From there a preferred option is selected

Near-term Recommendations

Based on the analysis and community feedback from round 1 of community engagement, the following near-term improvements are being considered for the West 38th Avenue Corridor.

Traffic Improvements
  • Adjust how traffic signals operate
  • Change left turns to green arrow only
  • Install reflective plates around signals
  • Give pedestrians the "walk" sign before the light turns green for vehicles
  • Extend the time that the light is red to give more time for vehicles to clear the intersection
  • Lower speed limit, narrow lanes, meander roadway, and mark parallel parking to reduce speed
Transit Improvements
  • Consider moving bus stops closer to intersections with crosswalks
  • Consider removing bus stops that have limited ridership and can be served by nearby bus stops
  • Enhance bus stop amenities, including lighting, maintenance/cleaning, benches and shelters, etc.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements
  • Extend curbs using plastic bollards to reduce crossing distances
  • Widen and maintain sidewalks where space allows
  • Remove parking spots close to crosswalks to improve driver visibility of pedestrians/bicyclists
  • Improve crosswalk and stop bar markings
  • Improve lighting
  • Improve curb ramps
  • Ensure connections between West 38th Avenue and other parallel or intersecting bike routes are improved through signal timing, median refuges, protected intersections, conflict markings, turn restrictions, and other treatments.
Green Infrastructure Improvements
  • Consider trees, plants, and vegetation near bus stops, at intersections, between the road and the sidewalks
  • Identify opportunities for street trees