The City of Tualatin needs your help to update its Transportation System Plan (TSP). The TSP is a 20-year plan to improve how people and goods (cars, trucks, buses, bikes, and walking) move around the city. Your feedback is very important and will be kept anonymous. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and help us improve our transportation system.

Leave your email address at the end to enter to win a $50 grocery store gift card! Drawing will be held in late August after the survey has closed.

Last fall, we asked the public about your transportation experiences, challenges, and insights to inform the plan and TSP project list. Here’s a summary of what we heard:

  • Survey respondents expressed a desire to bike, walk, and carpool more, and drive less.
  • People are frustrated with traffic congestion in and around Tualatin.
  • Investing in safe routes for students to walk and bike to school is a top priority.
  • Efficiency, safety, and economy are key priorities for the Transportation System Plan goals.
  • Respondents and focus group participants want increased coverage and frequency of TriMet and the Tualatin Shuttle.
  • Concerns were raised about inadequate lighting and a desire to improve it.

We used your feedback and other data to create a draft list of transportation projects. The projects are organized into six categories:

  • Motor Vehicle and Freight: Fix traffic jams, improve safety, and upgrade roads that do not meet city standards.
  • Pedestrian: Add new sidewalks and improve crossing areas.
  • Bicycle: Build new bikeways, improve existing bikeways, and create or upgrade shared-use paths and trails.
  • Transit: Improve station amenities, make routes more reliable, and add new or better transit services.
  • Other: Includes projects that are programs, not physical infrastructure. Find those recommendations in this category.

Below are maps of the proposed projects:

Tell us your project priorities.

Rate the following "Big Ideas" projects on a scale from 1-5 (with 5 being the best). You can select the circle to skip rating that project. These "Big Ideas" projects come from community suggestions on ways to better connect Tualatin to the region. They may be more complex projects, requiring coordination with other communities, and aim to overcome barriers that make it difficult to safely and comfortably travel within Tualatin and to nearby communities.

Click on the image below to see a map of the "Big Ideas" projects.

Where else are transportation investments needed?

  • Do you know of a sidewalk gap that is not on the project list?
  • Did we identify the right intersections for improvements?
  • Does the proposed bike network connect all the places you want to go?
  • Are there trail connections we missed that should be included?
  • Are there locations you want to reach by transit that are not convenient today?

Provide your answer by commenting on the map below.

Instructions: Select a mode and click the point icon to add a point to the map. Type your response into the dialogue box to tell us why you drew on the map.