Please provide your input on the draft, 10-year plan for the Thornton Transit Study.
Thornton has been conducting a study into the existing public transit services (bus, train, and FlexRide) that operate in Thornton today and how those services could be improved. Based on two previous phases of community input (Spring 2023 and Fall 2023) and extensive data analysis, the project team has drafted the plan for improving transit service in Thornton.
The draft plan includes a preferred alternative proposed for implementation over a course of short, mid, and long-term phases between 2025 and 2034. The preferred alternative includes two new microtransit services, enhancements to the frequency of existing routes, and the extension or creation of new routes. The study also includes a financial plan with potential funding mechanisms, along with an implementation plan for both the on-demand transit services and the fixed-route services.
After you have had a chance to view the draft plan (available HERE), please provide your comments by completing this short survey. Your feedback is extremely valuable and will help the project team make improvements to the final plan. You can also view the draft plan by clicking on the PDF below.
Thank you for your participation!