What is the Safe Streets for Silverthorne project?

The Town of Silverthorne was awarded a Safe Streets for All (SS4A) planning grant from the US Department of Transportation to deliver a comprehensive safety plan for the Town. Safe Streets for Silverthorne will serve as that plan and is aimed at improving roadway safety by significantly reducing or eliminating roadway fatalities and serious injuries. The program develops a comprehensive safety action plan for our transportation system and its users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, public transit users, and motorists. This plan will identify projects that Silverthorne can implement to address roadway safety. The projects identified by the study can also be used to get additional funding for safety projects in the future.

Aerial view of Silverthorne in the Fall

What are the anticipated outcomes of this plan?

Over the course of the plan, the following will be accomplished:

  1. A safety analysis to understand where crashes are occurring, identify common crash types, particularly for severe crashes, and and identify high-risk crash locations.
  2. Community outreach and engagement to understand traffic safety concerns in Silverthorne and inform future safety projects.
  3. A local Equity Index for Silverthorne that identifies areas that are underserved and locations where residents may be at a higher risk for experiencing negative traffic safety outcomes.
  4. A toolbox of safety improvement strategies, including policy recommendations, and proposed projects that Silverthorne can implement to improve traffic safety.
  5. A prioritized list of safety improvement projects the Town will aim to implement, organized by grant funding readiness.

How To Get Involved

Community Open House on Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Did you miss the open house? Flip through our summary boards below to see what you missed and take our survey (open through April 9th) to provide feedback.


Tuesday, March 19, 2024

4:00pm - 6:00pm


Silverthorne Pavilion

400 Blue River Parkway

Silverthorne, Colorado


Join us for a community open house to provide your input on draft project recommendations! At the open house, you can...

  • Explore the findings from the community survey and crash analysis
  • Provide input on draft project recommendations to improve traffic safety
  • Meet members of the project team and ask questions

Can't make the open house? All material will be posted to the website following the meeting and a survey link will be provided for you to share your input.

Previous Outreach Events


Understand the community's traffic safety concerns and opportunities to improve traffic safety in Silverthorne.


  • Online Survey - The survey was open from October 8, 2023 - November 2, 2023 and we received over 300 responses. Thank you for all who participated in the survey! A summary of the results will be posted on the website soon.
  • Tabling at Community Events
    • Pumpkin Fest - October 2023
    • Silverthorne Transit Center - October 2023

Project Timeline

The project began in August 2023 and will be completed by the end of June 2024. There are three phases outlined below:

Project timeline with engagement touchpoints in October 2023, and March 2024. Phase 1 of engagement: Crash Analysis and Community Input on Safety Concerns is August through November 2023. Phase 2: Draft safety improvement policies and projects is Decem

Transportation Terms Glossary

Equity Index: A tool used to evaluate a series of indicators and measurements that identify areas that are underserved or where residents may be at disproportionate risk for experiencing negative outcomes. An example of Denver's 2020 Neighborhood Equity Index can be found here.

Motorists: Individuals who operate motor vehicles such as cars, trucks, or motorcycles.

Pedestrians: People walking or rolling to get to and from destinations

Public Transit: A system of passenger transportation services that are available to the general public. Common types of transit include buses, trains, and shuttles.

Safety Analysis : An analysis of crashes to understand where and why vehicle crashes are happening.

Traffic Safety: The prevention of people getting injured or killed by vehicles on the street.