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What is the San Leandro Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan?

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan is an update to the 2018 Plan and guides development of infrastructure projects and programs to support bicycling and walking as a safe, enjoyable, efficient, and practical transportation options for San Leandro residents. As part of the planning process, the City of San Leandro is asking for your feedback.

Visit the City of San Leandro Webpage to learn more about the current and past plans and other city-led projects.


San Leandro will be a connected community where walking and biking are fully integrated into daily life as safe, equitable, and enjoyable transportation options for people of all ages and abilities.


Safe Systems: Consistent with the City's Vision Zero policy, achieve a goal of zero bicycle and pedestrian fatalities and serious injuries.

Community Support Programs
: Continue developing a coordinated outreach strategy that leverages existing City, partner organization, and community resources and energy to amplify awareness of the benefits of walking and biking.

A Comprehensive, Comfortable, and Connected System: Develop cohesive, legible, and complete bicycle and pedestrian networks that connect San Leandro neighborhoods, schools, parks, and businesses and are comfortable for people of all ages and abilities.

Fund and Implement Active Transportation Projects and Programs: Align the City's funding, Capital Improvement Program (CIP) project prioritization, and implementation work plans with the Plan's goals of safety, equity, and connected access.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Phase 1: Winter 2023/24

    Where We Are: Tell us about your experiences walking and biking today

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Phase 2: Spring 2024

    Where We're Going: Give your feedback on the draft bicycle and pedestrian network

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    Phase 3: Fall 2024

    How We'll Get There: Give your feedback on the City's proposed priority projects and implementation plan

Provide Feedback on the Proposed Bicycle and Pedestrian Networks!

The Phase 2 web map is now closed for comment. Thank you for your input! You can still review the proposed networks below. Draft priorities and recommendations will be posted for your comments in the fall.

The draft bikeway network aims to serve people of all ages and abilities. The following represent the four types of proposed bikeways:
  • Shared Use Path: paths that can be used by both bicyclists and pedestrians and are completely separate from the roadway
  • Separated Bikeway: on-street bikeways with vertical, physical separation from the adjacent lane; most common on high-speed arterials
  • Bike Lane: lanes that are painted on the street and can sometimes include a painted buffer from vehicle lanes; most common on streets with low speeds and traffic
  • Bike Boulevard: shared lane bikeways accompanied by speed calming measures like speed humps; most common on local streets

What Are Pedestrian Priority Areas?

Pedestrian priority areas provide access to important destinations such as schools, parks, transit hubs, and commercial areas. These are generally the areas of the city that see the most people walking. The City will prioritize these areas for safety enhancements and complete streets projects.

Some examples of pedestrian safety and comfort improvements include:

  • Pedestrian Scramble: traffic signal configuration that stops all vehicle traffic and allows pedestrians to cross an intersection in all directions
  • Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon: type of traffic signal designed for safe pedestrian crossings at locations with limited vehicle traffic
  • Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon: a warning device used to alert drivers to yield to crossing pedestrians through rapidly flashing lights
  • Wide and Smooth Sidewalks: pedestrian pathways that allow for comfortable and safe passage for pedestrians of all ages and abilities