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What is the Newark Active Transportation Plan?

The Active Transportation Plan is an update to the 2017 Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan that will recommend infrastructure improvements to support walking and biking in Newark. As part of the planning process, the City of Newark is asking for your feedback to better understand your experience walking or biking in the city.

Visit the ATP webpage to learn more about the project and ways to get involved.

Thanks for your Feedback on the Proposed Projects!

Based on an assessment of the existing network and needs highlighted by the community during the previous phase of engagement, the project team updated the recommended bikeways and pedestrian projects from the 2017 Plan. Expand the sections below to learn more about and see examples of the proposed projects.

The webmap and survey are now closed. Thank you!

The following represent the four types of proposed bikeways:

  • Shared Use Path: paths that can be used by both bicyclists and pedestrians and are completely separate from the roadway
  • Separated Bikeway: on-street bikeways with vertical, physical separation from the adjacent lane; most common on high-speed arterials
  • Bike Lane/Buffered Bike Lane: lanes that are painted on the street and can sometimes include a painted buffer from vehicle lanes; most common on collector streets with limited space for a separated bikeway
  • Bike Boulevard: shared lane bikeways accompanied by speed calming measures like speed humps; most common on local streets

Implementing some of these bikeway recommendations may require some potential tradeoffs. The two types of potential tradeoffs are:

  • Road Diet: repurposing a travel lane to accommodate a proposed bikeway
  • Parking Removal: removal of a parking lane to accommodate a proposed bikeway

The proposed pedestrian projects include implementing some of the following:

  • Curb Extensions extend the sidewalk or curb line out into the parking lane, reducing the effective street width and crossing distance.
  • Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) installation at uncontrolled crossings to increase driver awareness of pedestrians at crosswalks. Pedestrians can activate the flashing signal with a button.
  • High Visibility Crosswalks with continental striping that are more visible to drivers.
  • Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon is an intermediate option between a flashing beacon and full pedestrian signal. It helps pedestrians safely cross higher-speed roadways by assigning right of way and providing positive stop control.
  • Leading Pedestrian Intervals at signals to provide pedestrians with their own dedicated phase before turning vehicles. This improves visibility of pedestrians and reduces vehicle conflicts.