Help The City of Kent Improve Transportation Safety

The City of Kent is developing a Target Zero Action Plan (TZAP) to improve transportation safety in Kent, working towards eliminating fatalities and serious injuries due to crashes. When every loss of life is a tragedy, the City of Kent wants to address transportation safety concerns by reviewing locations where crashes have occurred and where you feel unsafe walking, rolling, biking, and driving. We invite you to get involved by sharing your valuable perspectives about the safety of getting around in Kent.

What is the Kent Target Zero Action Plan?
The TZAP will identify, evaluate, and prioritize safety improvements on city streets. It will analyze data on crashes involving people driving, walking, rolling and biking, as well as roadway conditions that may lead to serious and fatal crashes. Most importantly, the TZAP involves listening to community members’ experiences and concerns around road safety. Data and community input will inform the recommended actions to improve road safety with the goal of eliminating fatal and serious injury crashes.

For comments and questions, please contact David Paine, City Transportation Planner at

Under 23 U.S. Code § 148 and 23 U.S. Code § 407, safety data, reports, surveys, schedules, lists, compiled or collected for the purpose of identifying, evaluating, or planning the safety enhancement of potential crash sites, hazardous roadway conditions, or railway-highway crossings are not subject to discovery or admitted into evidence in a Federal or State court proceeding or considered for other purposes in any action for damages arising from any occurrence at a location mentioned or addressed in such reports, surveys, schedules, lists, or data.