
The City of Gig Harbor needs your help to update its Transportation Element. This Element will develop a 20-year vision for Gig Harbor’s transportation system and improve how people and goods (cars, trucks, buses, bicyclists, and pedestrians) move around the city. This survey will help identify which long-term projects the city should prioritize to support future travel trends.

Below is a short-term project list showing Gig Harbor’s upcoming transportation infrastructure investments. These projects are planned and are slated for design and/or construction over the next six years. The short-term project list was informed by public input from the 2018 Transportation Element and is provided solely for your reference.

Following the short-term project list, you will find a list of potential long-term projects that we need your feedback on. Please take a few minutes to review these projects and share your thoughts. Your input is very important to us and is anonymous.

Short-Term Project List (2024 - 2030)

This is a list of upcoming transportation projects in Gig Harbor. Most of these projects are included in the City's six-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and were vetted through the 2018 Transportation Element update. These near-term projects are planned to be designed and/or constructed over the six years.

Long-Term Project List

The following section includes potential long-term projects in Gig Harbor that we are looking for your feedback on. This list was created in collaboration with City staff and public feedback from the 2018 Transportation Element.

Rate the following projects on a scale from 1 to 5 stars (with 5 stars representing the projects that are most important to you). The stars to rate each project are directly below the project image. You can select the circle to skip rating a project.