You are invited to complete this survey for Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) B-53, Addressing the Travel needs of Women on Public Transportation. There is a growing body of research focused on the ways in which women use and experience public transit systems differently than men. Some American public transit agencies have begun to consider gender in their policy-making and planning decisions, but many are still in the very early stages of this process.Your responses to this survey will be used to understand the extent to which, and in what ways, transit agencies in the U.S. use gender-disaggregated information to plan or evaluate policies, programs, infrastructure design, service changes, and communications campaigns.

  • Your participation in this study is voluntary.
  • Your transit agency’s name is requested to understand local context and nuance related to the collection and use of gender-disaggregated data and to ensure broad geographic representation. The results of the survey will be compiled anonymously, and no survey responses will be attributed to your specific agency.
  • Unless you opt into follow-up communication, your personal information will not be collected.

The goal of this research project is to develop a practical resource for public transportation agencies, planning organizations, and their partnering organizations to improve the public transportation experience of women and all travelers, foster gender-inclusive decision-making, and increase the use of public transportation.

TCRP is an applied research program funded by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). It is part of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

The research team includes Fehr & Peers, the University of California, Los Angeles, STV, and Zan Associates.

Women and gender. A crucial component of this work is understanding agencies’ current data collection, data analysis, planning, and evaluation practices across a variety of focus areas and the extent to which these account for gender.

  • Women: When we use the term “women,” we use it to signify people whose gender identity is female, regardless of their sex assigned at birth.
  • Gender: When we use the term “gender”, we use it to signify how people identify and express themselves in relation to gender as it applies to a set of beliefs about the appropriate roles, behaviors, and appearances of people.
  • Sex assigned at birth: This is the designation of male or female assigned to someone at the time they are born and typically marked on their birth records.

This survey will take approximately 15 -30 minutes to complete. Please feel free to e-mail the survey link to colleagues at your transit agency (or other transit agencies) who may also complete this survey.