Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) is a grant program through the US Department of Transportation (USDOT) that aims to reduce transportation-related fatalities and serious injuries. Safe Streets Arlington is funded through this SS4A program. It’s important to the City (and required by SS4A) that we get YOUR input!

To prepare the Safe Streets Arlington Plan, we have:

  • Reviewed crashes in Arlington from 2018-2022
  • Developed a High Injury Network, which identifies corridors and intersections with the highest share of crashes that resulted in fatalities and serious injuries
  • Developed a priority list of corridors and intersections for safety improvements
  • Identified factors that are common to most of Arlington’s fatal and serious injury crashes
  • Prepared a toolbox of safety countermeasures to use for safety improvements at priority locations
  • Conducted public and stakeholder outreach, and incorporated feedback from engagement activities to develop goals, strategies, and actions for the Safe Streets Arlington Plan

Now we need your input on what is most important to implementing safety improvements. Thank you for your participation!

The following questions ask for your feedback on actions to include in the Safe Streets Arlington Plan. Following Plan adoption, the City of Arlington and the Arlington community will be responsible for completing these actions.