What is an Active Transportation Plan?

Active transportation refers to human-powered modes of travel, like walking and biking. An Active Transportation Plan (ATP) focuses on increasing these active modes of transportation through transportation infrastructure and programs, such as safer crosswalks and new and enhanced bike lanes and routes.

These activities have many benefits such as connecting families to schools, work, shopping, and bus stops, improving health, reducing air pollution, and saving money on gas and car maintenance.

Get Involved!

Thank you to everyone who provided comments in our initial rounds of outreach. Your responses helped us identify where there are existing challenges to safely walk or bike and help prioritized the recommendations to be included in this plan.

The Active Transportation Plan is now ready for review! Please click the button below to view the Public Draft Plan on the County website, and send any comments to Jeannie Morvay-Clayton, jclayton@mariposacounty.org

Project Goals

The Mariposa County ATP envisions a complete, safe, and comfortable network of trails, sidewalks, and bikeways that serves all residents of the county. Specifically, this plan has been developed to accomplish the following goals:

  • Create a network of safe and attractive, sidewalks, shared-use paths, and bikeways that connect Mariposa County residents to key destinations, especially local schools, parks, and transit
  • Create a network of regional bikeways that allows bicyclists to safely ride between communities and other regional destinations
  • Create better connections to transit, especially for communities with limited access to other transportation options
  • Increase walking and bicycling trips and thus reduce vehicle miles traveled and improve air quality in the region by creating user-friendly facilities
  • Increase safety by improving crosswalks and sidewalks and expanding the bikeway network.

Project Schedule

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Review Current County Documents

    Review the County's Recreation and Resiliency Plan, Local Road Safety Plan, Regional Transportation Plan, General Plan, Strategic Plan, Mariposa Creek Parkway Master Plan, and any other relevant planning documents.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Collect Additional Data

    Collect bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure data, collision data, land use data, and census data for consideration and analysis.

  • Timeline item 3 - active

    Seek Community Input

    Create interactive website, interview stakeholders, and keep the public informed over the course of the planning process.

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Create the Active Transportation Plan

    Identify recommended improvements, prioritize recommendations, create supporting designs, and estimate costs.

  • Timeline item 5 - active

    Present Draft ATP

    Present the Draft Active Transportation Plan to the Mariposa County Local Transportation Commission and public.

  • Timeline item 6 - active

    Collect Public Comments & Finalize ATP

    Modify the draft ATP based on comments from the public and stakeholders to create the final ATP.