What is this project?

Stanislaus County conducted a planning effort to prepare a land use and transportation plan for the South 9th Street Corridor — a 1 and 1/4-mile stretch of South 9th Street from the Tuolumne River bridge entrance at River Road south to East Hatch Road. As a major transportation corridor linking downtown Modesto with Highway 99, the goal of this Corridor Plan is to transform South 9th Street by identifying ways to improve the experience within the corridor for all transportation modes, enhance the interface between commercial, industrial and residential land uses, and support a variety of uses and infill development.

Final Plan Available Now!

The final plan is out now! You can view the plan by clicking the link below, which outlines the analysis, outreach, and recommendations for the South 9th Street Plan Area.

Project Goals

The Corridor Plan envisions a complete, safe, and comfortable S. 9th Street that serves all residents of the County. Specifically, the Corridor Plan will be developed to accomplish the following goals:

  • Engage and empower stakeholders (residents, business operators, and property owners) to actively participate in the County’s planning processes.
  • Promote affordable mobility options such as walking, biking, and taking transit through infrastructure investment.
  • Develop strategies to enhance the corridor visually and economically.
  • Create opportunities to improve land use compatibility between existing commercial, industrial, and residential uses, and for new mixed-use development and affordable housing.
  • Improve safe access for residents and workers to key destinations in and near the project area, including local businesses, schools, transit stops, and the Tuolumne River Parkway.
  • Improve access between Modesto and Ceres.
  • Support the implementation of the County’s General Plan, StanCOG’s Regional Transportation Plan, and Caltrans’ Climate Action Plan for Transportation Infrastructure.