Conceptual Design Phase

The community participation process for the 40th St and San Pablo Bus Hub Project in 2018 and 2019 included a broad range of opportunities for interested members of the public and stakeholders to participate. This included two rounds of online surveys, an in-the-field survey and pop up targeted at transit stop patrons, two rounds of community workshops, focus group meetings, and discussion at public meetings of the Planning Commission, Transportation Committee, Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Public Art Committee, and City Council.

40th St Multimodal Project

For the 40th St Multimodal Project, over 600 project postcards with multilingual contact information were mailed in June 2023 to residents and businesses in the broader area. In addition, from Mai to November 2024, an online survey was used to get a deeper understanding of how the project can affect residents and employee’s commute and other travel patterns and modes. To broaden the public’s knowledge on the survey and project, the project team installed decals, presented at the Bike to Wherever day energizer stations, and contacted large employers.

Focused Outreach to Business Owners

To notify property owners, residents, and businesses situated on Hubbard, Holden, Haven, or Watts Street, a total of 454 Local Outreach Mailers were sent to residents, businesses, and property. Additionally, following the distribution of these mailers, the project team and city staff engaged with over 70 stakeholders, which included businesses and residential owners along affected unsignalized side streets with phone calls, emails, and meetings between June 2023 and May 2024.

Bike to Wherever Day Pop-Up

On May 16, 2024, information about the Project and the survey were provided at two energizer stations within the project area. Project staff interacted with over 200 people who cycled or walked by the energizer stations. People who stopped included Emeryville residents, people using the Bay Trail for long range cycling, and residents from other cities, including Oakland, who were taking transit to work in the surrounding area.